Irene Foy mentions in Viv Wilsons earlier article, a recollection of the lawns being mowed by horse drawn mower.
Here's some photos of Monty Don having a go -
Don't churn up the lawn, put your slippers on-

Horse slipper

Pony slippers

Above - how it may have looked.
below - This one has got the hump.

Camels have soft feet and don't need slippers.
Shanks' Pony or Shanks' mare
meaning - to use one's own legs,
Supposed to be a Scottish verb to shank or to shank it dating from the 18th century meaning to go on foot.
I prefer the later version from 1850.-
Alexander Shanks of Arbroath introduced its range of Caledonia mowers from around this time.
An innovation on the Caledonia was the addition of a small spring on the bracket that supported the rear roller. The idea was for the chain to absorb some of the vibrations that occur as the mower moves across the lawn. Shanks patented this mechanism in 1894 primarily for its larger pony and horse drawn mowers.
But they also manufactured popular hand mowers. If you had one of these you became Shanks' pony!